Member Focus

Focus on Members

Focus on Members

Member Focus

Member Focus invites ASCA members to express their views on key ASC issues. Share your perspective with your colleagues and get to know your peers in the ASC community.

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Questions? Write Sahely Mukerji.

Tracey Opaczewski, CASC

Tracey Opaczewski

Title: Director of Quality Management and Regulatory Compliance
Facility Name: Allied Physicians Surgery Center
City: South Bend
State: Indiana
Length of time your facility has been an ASCA member: Five or more years


Do you incentivize staff for referring new employees? How?


Our referral bonus program has been in effect for many years now and has been a proven success. Any employee who refers a new hire who maintains employment for six months receives a free day off.


Does any employee other than your physicians, like RNs or scrub techs, operate the C-arm?


No, we currently have four C-arms that are operated only by certified radiologic technologists or physicians who hold fluoroscopy privileges.