


ASC Focus is the official magazine of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association, The Atrium Building, 277 S Washington St, Ste 375, Alexandria, VA 22314, phone: 703.836.8808, fax: 703.549.0976, www.ascassociation.org. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission from ASCA is prohibited.

The magazine is published monthly except for combined issues in June-July and November-December. ASCA members receive a free subscription to the magazine as part of their association membership.

If you are not a member but would like to subscribe to the magazine, purchase your subscription here.


Chief Executive Officer: Bill Prentice

Editor: Sahely Mukerji

Staff Writers: Alex Taira, David Opong-Wadee, Kara Newbury, Maia Kunkel, Sharita Williams, Stephen Abresch and Robert Kurtz

If you are interested in writing an article or sharing an idea, see the Editorial Calendar and the Editorial Guidelines for Contributors or write Sahely Mukerji. If you are interested in advertising, write Christopher Schriever.

Editorial Calendar 2025



Industry Forecast

Copy Deadline: October 7

Communication and Engagement

Copy Deadline: November 11




Copy Deadline: December 13

Safety and Quality

Copy Deadline: January 14




Copy Deadline: February 14

Revenue Cycle Management

Copy Deadline: March 18




Copy Deadline: May 13

10 Under 40

Copy Deadline: June 16



Education and Training

Copy Deadline: July 18


Copy Deadline: August 19

Specific titles may change or be eliminated without prior notice.

Editorial Guidelines for Contributors

The editors welcome contributions by external authors with expertise in the issues and topics relevant to the magazine’s audience: busy ASC professionals. These guidelines are intended to tell potential authors what they need to know about the magazine’s requirements and how to submit a story proposal.

Select the heading tabs below to find out more information.

All guest contributions will be bylined and include the author’s name, corporate affiliation and any other relevant information that establishes expertise.

All contributions will be edited to ensure that they are concise, engaging and reader-friendly. Stories will be edited for the proper use of grammar, style, organization and clarity. All product or service names will be removed. ASC Focus does not name any products or services in its articles and/or publish any product- or service-focused articles. Editors will ensure that stories meet the goals that were established when the story was accepted for inclusion in the magazine. The editors may rewrite portions of the manuscript and will frequently submit queries to the authors to clarify meaning or add detail. When posing queries, the editors may specify a deadline for response. Delays could jeopardize publication.

Authors are responsible for ensuring the factual accuracy of all content. The editors may ask to see the sources of factual copy and any charts, graphs, etc., that are submitted.

At no point can a contribution include any text that was previously published or written by someone other than the author without full attribution.

We include an image of the author with our articles. If your article is accepted for publication, we will need a head shot of the author. The image will have to be high-resolution, 300 dpi, set against a clean background. The person in the image will need to directly face the camera.

The magazine does not publish articles that have been previously published. However, contributions that build or expand on previously published articles by the same author and that are substantially different may be accepted. We ask that writers tell us if any part of the article has appeared elsewhere.

ASCA owns the copyright to all of the stories it publishes in the magazine.

Potential contributors submit a proposal up to 250 words rather than a completed manuscript.

Proposals should:

  • Identify the topic
  • Describe the “angle”
  • Provide a brief synopsis
  • Specify the anticipated length
  • Describe any charts, graphs or other design elements that will be submitted
  • Suggest a date that the article will be submitted
  • Describe the author’s expertise in the subject area

Please submit your proposal to Sahely Mukerji or call 703.345.0278 to pitch your story idea.