REGULATORY REVIEW: Site-Neutral Payment Policies Continue to Gain Traction


Site-Neutral Payment Policies Continue to Gain Traction

What this means for ASCs

In the August 2023 issue of ASC Focus, ASCA reported on the increased conversation around “site-neutral” payments, a health policy that sets a defined reimbursement rate for a healthcare procedure regardless of the site of service. Thanks in part to analyses from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) that showed significant savings potential from the adoption of site-neutral payments, these policies have taken center stage in national health policy conversations. Throughout 2023, three separate pieces of federal legislation were introduced that each included some measure of site-neutral payments. As these policies will likely continue to play a large part in reimbursement policy, specifically for outpatient services, it is useful to review their background and where one might expect to see them enacted in the future.

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