ADVOCACY SPOTLIGHT: Host a Facility Tour for National ASC Month


Host a Facility Tour for National ASC Month

Educate your legislator about ASCs and their place in the healthcare system

As this magazine goes to print, COVID-19 is forcing congressional meetings and events to shift to virtual venues. ASCA is working to support its members' virtual meetings and tours with their members of Congress. For the latest on facility tours, please visit ASCA's facility tour page.

Every August, ASCA collaborates with its member ASCs and helps them host facility tours for their members of Congress to celebrate National ASC Month. Your surgery center could be the greatest advocacy tool in your effort to raise awareness about the ASC community with your elected officials. Members of Congress, typically, are not aware of the benefits and value that ASCs bring to the healthcare system. They rely on industry experts like you to learn more. Facility tours are an important way to make your voice heard on the issues that impact your surgery center.

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