ASCA awarded its Nap Gary Legacy Award for Lifetime Achievement in the ASC Community to Donna Slosburg, RN, CASC, executive director of ASC Quality Collaboration (ASC QC). Larry Taylor, CASC, ASCA Board president and chief executive officer and president of Practice Partners in Healthcare Inc. of Birmingham, Alabama, prsented Slosburg the award at the ASCA 2019 Conference & Expo in Nashville, Tennessee, May 15–18.
“This year, we are pleased to offer this honor to Donna Slosburg, who is retiring this summer after 13 years of extraordinary service as the first and only executive director of the ASC Quality Collaboration,” Taylor said during the award ceremony. “Donna has overseen and participated in a broad range of quality-related projects on behalf of the ASC industry, including directing the ASC QC’s quality measure development activities and public reporting of quality data.”