Federal Regulatory Update
Friday, May 5
8:00 am
Learn about the latest regulatory developments that impact your ASC’s operations and bottom line. Get an overview of ASCA's regulatory agenda for 2017 and beyond and discuss the ways that ASCA is working for you inside the government agencies that have jurisdiction over your ASC.
While a comprehensive review of all of the legislative and regulatory activity occurring now in Washington would be daunting, these sessions will provide you with valuable insights that will target how Congress and federal agencies impact health care and your facility. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to address policymakers directly and educate them on the inner workings of your ASC. Whether you are new to national politics or a seasoned advocate, these specialized activities and information sessions will help you better navigate the changing climate in Washington, DC. Further, these sessions will give you and your staff an opportunity to influence key policymakers and protect patient access to the high-quality, cost-efficient care that ASCs provide. For more information, stop by the ASCA booth in the exhibit hall.