ASCA NEWS: Salary Survey Reports Now Available


Salary Survey Reports Now Available

Salary Survey Reports Now Available

Reports from ASCA’s 2021 Salary & Benefits Survey are now available. Open during the month of June, the survey collected national, regional and state data on more than 20 ASC positions and is a valuable resource that helps ASCs attract and retain the best employees.

The survey allows ASCs to compare their compensation packages with similar facilities, negotiate a raise or establish salary and benefits for a new position. It allows ASCs to view personalized reports comparing their information with others in several categories, including within the same geographic region, with a similar number of employees and in the same specialty.

ASCs that completed at least 40 percent of the survey received personalized results for free. ASCs that did not participate can purchase the report.

For more information, visit ASCA’s Salary & Benefits Survey page.

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